quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

If you wanna be a bird

If you want to be a bird
Why don't you try a little flying
There's no denying
It gets you high

Why be shackled to your feet
When you've got wings
You haven't used yet
Don't wait for heaven
Get out and fly

Just glide there
Through the clear air
Making figure eights
Through the pearly gates
Where the soul and the universe meet

If you want to be a bird
It won't take much
To get you up there
But when you come down
Land on your feet

(If you wanna be a bird, The Holy Modal Rounders)

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

Bela foto de Easy Rider. Vendo Jack Nicholson, Hooper e Fonda juntos, só posso dizer: "Born to be Wild". Melhor tema pra esses três não há, podiscrê.